Making of a chandelier part -1
Here we will make one of those old-time chandeliers that you see so often in cowboy movies.

1.Create simple line like this below.

2. In Command panels > Hierarchy panel check affect pivot only and move it so that the x value is 0.

3. When that is done chose Lathe from modifier list and check Flip Normals and Weld Core, set segments to 30, under Align properties check Min. Apply Edit Mesh modifier and with checked edge option under selection properties select every second top edge, and you will get something like this.

4. Hold Shift and drag edges couple of times along z axis. Scale end edges.

5. Apply Shell modifier, set inner amount to small value to get something like this(outer amount is 0).

6.Apply Turbo Smooth, and again Edit Mesh. Select top rows polygons ( look next picture), and apply FFD 4x4x4 Box. Pick Control Points.

7.Select two top rows and scale them.

8.To create bottom part draw this shape. Repeat 1-2 step.

9.To create upper part draw this shape. Repeat 1-2 step.

10. You will get something like this.

11.You noticed small detail on top part. To create it just draw small sphere and move it pivot point to grid center. Hold shift and rotate it. When max ask you how many copies do you want, choose something about 30 to close circle (try it couple of times).

Continue in part 2